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Do You Need To Take Vitamin D Supplementation?

Vitamin D Article by Shawn Nisbet Do You Need Vitamin D Supplementation? VITAMIN D “The Sunshine Vitamin” Vitamin D is so important that your body makes this hormone in the skin in the presence of sunlight but this can pose a problem for us living in the northern climates. Most of us know we need vitamin D for strong bones. Now it appears that vitamin D, or rather a lack…

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Which is Healthier: Raw vs. Steamed?

Which is Healthier: Raw vs. Steamed? Have you always wondered how to prepare vegetables in order to maximize their nutritional content? There’s no easy answer, since cooking powers up the nutrients in some vegetables—and does the exact opposite in others. Asparagus    Eat: Cooked Steaming that asparagus ignites its cancer-fighting potential. Red peppers   Eat: Raw Their vitamin C breaks down when roasted, fried, or grilled above 375 degrees. Tomatoes   Eat:…

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The Sunshine Vitamin: Are You Getting Enough?

With winter on the way, it’s time to make sure you’re getting enough Vitamin D, ‘the sunshine vitamin’. Because our bodies make this hormone naturally in the skin in the presence of sunlight, these shorter days with less sunlight can pose a problem. We need vitamin D for strong bones. All ages require sufficient vitamin D levels: recent research shows older people with adequate vitamin D levels have better muscle…

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Drink Up! Why Water is Vital to Your Health

by Shawn M. Nisbet, RHN, CFA and Healthy Living Magazine Did you know your muscles and brain consist of about 75% water, and that your blood is about 82% water? That’s why it’s important to keep your body sufficiently hydrated to ensure it functions at its best. But how much water do we need to drink on a daily basis? And how much is too much? Shawn Nisbet makes it crystal clear! According to…

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The Four Keys to Overall Wellness and Nutrition

In part two of her four-part series, Shawn Nisbet examines the basics of good nutrition and its essential contribution to our long-term well being. Nutrition is often defined as the process of eating the right kind of food so we can grow properly and be healthy. Such a simple definition for what has become a very complicated topic! Unfortunately, the old adage ‘you are what you eat’ is not exactly…

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Feeling Stressed? What to do. What not to do and How to handle your Stress

In her four-part series on the keys to overall wellness, Shawn Nisbet has already covered exercise and nutrition. In this issue, she turns her attention to stress and how to handle it. At times, stress can be beneficial. But unmanaged stress is toxic. What we think and feel, and for what length of time, has an enormous effect on our overall health, wellness, and even our weight. Yet many of…

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Foods that Nourish and Protect Your Skin!

by Shawn M. Nisbet, RHN, CFA and Healthy Living Magazine One of the easiest ways to look after your skin is through your diet. Shawn Nisbet reveals the foods that will help you eat your way to a healthier, glowing complexion and fight the signs of aging. What is skin? Skin is alive. It’s made of many thin layers of flat, stacked cells containing nerves, blood vessels, hair follicles, glands…

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Waist not Weight

by Shawn M. Nisbet, RHN, CFA and Healthy Living Magazine If you’re watching your weight, be sure to maintain a healthy lifestyle as well. Your overall health is about waist – not just weight – management. Many people who are watching their weight may well be short-changing their general health. Combining weight management with a healthy lifestyle can help to prevent and/or manage blood pressure, blood lipids, cholesterol and blood…

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Fat Fanatics Take Note: Some Fats Are Good For You

by Shawn M. Nisbet, RHN, CFA and Healthy Living Magazine These days there’s so much conflicting information and misinformation making the media rounds that it’s no wonder many of us are confused about which fats we should eat, which we should avoid and why. Healthy Living helps you sort the good from the bad. For years, low-fat and fat-free diets were all the rage. Full-fat products were the enemy, we…

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